Forests and Forest Product Journal

Tree species richness, diversity and structure of a strict conservation natural tropical rainforest ecosystem in Nigeria

By: OKE O. S.;  Akindele S. O.;  Onyekwelu J. C.;  

Okomu National Park, though small in size (202.24km2), is one of the remaining strict natural conservation forests in Nigeria. Due to its particularly unique three distinct vegetation types (rainforest, savannah and swampy fringe), Okomu houses a lot of biodiversity. We investigated the tree species richness, diversity and abundance of the National park, with the aim of determining its contribution to biodiversity conservation. Trees with dbh ? 10cm were inventoried in 50m X 50m main plot. There were 507 stems ha-1, consisting of 97 species distributed among 75genera and 36 families. The diameter distribution curve revealed a J-inverse shape with trees within the diameter distribution of 10-20cm having the highest frequency (355 stems ha-1). The height distribution curve also showed that trees within height range of 10-15cm had the highest frequency of 312 stems ha-1. Total basal area and volume per hectare estimated were 25.26m2 and 267.07m3 respectively. Pielou’s Evenness Index (0.86), Shannon-Weiner Index (3.94), Simpson Diversity Index (96.97) and other diversity indices were high showing that the park is a potential biodiversity hotspot. The Park is a mature forest from its vertical and horizontal structure and can be a major biodiversity hotspot with proper and adequate management.

Keywords:  Rainforest, Biodiversity, National Park, Nigeria

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